Dear Future Shamrock,

Thank you for considering Incarnate Word High School! IWHS has served as a home of learning and spiritual growth for generations of young women from every walk of life. It is our goal to create an atmosphere where knowledge is best experienced through self-discovery and self-directed learning.

2025-2026 Application Timeline

How to Apply

List of 3 items.

  • Submit an Application

    Create an account online and fill out the application. An interview is not required.

    Please note that Firefox and Google Chrome work best for the online application.
  • Submit Your Immunization Requirements

    In compliance with the Texas Department of Health Services, students are asked to submit a complete vaccination record, including proof of the meningitis vaccination.

    Please click here for:
  • Visit IWHS

    While not required, we encourage all students to schedule a visit to Incarnate Word during one of our Shadow Dates or Open Houses.

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Nicole Ziske

    Nicole Ziske 

    Recruitment and Enrollment Specialist
    (210) 829-3118

Additional Ways to Apply